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Updates: Year 3

June 9, 2003 - Now is an exciting time. I just graduated from high school a couple weeks ago, so it's off to college next year! I'm very excited to finally live on my own. Also, I am typing this right now in Greece! As a graduation/Christmas present, my grandfather is taking me with his friends on a two-week trip around Greece and the surrounding islands. I am having a wonderful time, but I'm also anxious to continue writing. I will start on Sharp: Part III as soon as I get back, after I rest up for a while, though!

August 7, 2003 - College quickly approaches, but first, Part III of Sharp. Enjoy!

October 21, 2003 - For those college students out there, you realize how heavy the college workload is. And don't forget my wide and varied interests constantly entertaining me. But don't worry; despite a lack of frequent updates, I have every intention of finishing my current stories and bringing you new ones. I just need to find the time to write them. The occasional two-hour writing spree helps.

Sharp: Part IV is almost finished. Expect it by the end of the month. Then, new chapter(s) of Shadowed will be up by the end of the year, with maybe a Turtles-themed Christmas story. Hoo boy! Sorry, but I'm very bad at following deadlines I set for myself. Wish me luck!

Oh, and the other day I discovered that someone actually added me to their MSN list. I'm sorry, but that's my "business" address for fanfiction and stuff and I spend all my MSN time on my "personal" address. Still, I am intrigued who the heck that is.

October 24, 2003 - I cleaned up the Batman Beyond links, including adding a new one that you should check out. I'll do the same for the other sections soon.

October 30, 2003 - As promised, Part IV of "Sharp" is finished and ready for you by the end of the month! Those little breaks in homework make all the difference. Curare's past is fully revealed, but wait...why is Curare now trying to kill Batman? Read to find out...

So, next on the agenda is "Shadowed". I started writing it a little last night and the words just flowed from my mind so easily. I'd forgotten what a spark that story had, and the places I'm planning to take it. I shall write at least five or so chapters before moving on to something else. One of those chapters will be posted by the end of the year.

Hope you all have a happy Halloween!

December 11, 2003 - It's been almost two years, but "Shadowed" has finally been continued with Chapter 8: Cavern Creature. This will be the first of four to five new chapters for that story. Expect the next chapter by the end of January (hey, let's try for three in a row!).

And, look for a special something around Christmas. I can't tell you what it is, because it may ruin the surprise!

December 23, 2003 - Ah, gotta love Christmas. Some small treats for you around this site. Most sections have a little intro to them, explaining how I first encountered each universe. Also, the Behind the Story for "Sharp" has been added and I've updated the little "About Me" section. I was working on a Turtles Christmas story, but it's not finished yet. I'll either crank it out around the new year or leave it until next Christmas.

Finally, I'd like to wish a wonderful, happy, and safe holidays to everyone out there! See you next year.

February 1, 2004 - Well, I promised Chapter 9 of Shadowed by today, but that hasn't happened, due to a combination of writer's block and various stuff over the last month. However, I should have it done within two weeks. Until then, I'll just give you this little spoiler: Chapter 9 will be titled "Recovery".

February 15, 2004 - Argh! I'm so sorry! I have no Chapter 9 for you now. But another week should do it. I promise, promise, PROMISE that it'll be done by/on the 22nd. I promise.

On a slightly related note, does anyone know the eye color of a Great Fairy in Ocarina of Time?

February 20, 2004 - Tada! "Shadowed: Chapter 9 - Recovery" has been completed and posted! Sorry it took about a half-month longer than I intended it to. Maybe I can get Chapter 10 done by Spring Break. We'll just have to see.

In other stuff, the Behind the Story for Shadowed has been updated with tidbits and facts about what went into writing the last couple chapters and I went back to Chapter 6 of "Shadowed" and gave the "Bomb-Flower-watching Goron" an actual name.

March 31, 2004 - Spring Break has come and gone, but I have no Chapter 10 for you. In fact, I've barely even started it yet, due to a busy schedule and lack of determination. However, I know what I want to do with the chapter, so I should have it out by the end of the school year (which for me is late-May).

April 3, 2004 - I just doubled the Forwards section with more e-mails to make you laugh, sigh, and possibly angry. Hope you like 'em.

April 25, 2004 - Because someone asked me for it, and because I hadn't done it in several years, I took out a Turtles humor story I was working on around Christmas time and finished it. "The Turtles' Christmas!!!" is waiting for you to read. See what fan mail can do for you?

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