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written: February 25, 2002
In Speech, there is a catagory called "After Dinner Speaking." For After Dinner, you write an original under-five-minute speech to an imaginary group of people. Most of these are humorous. I've seen ones for Chronic Cleaners Anonymous, Mountain Dew Addicts Anonymous, Canadians Anonymous, and Dateless Nerds Anonymous (that one's mine). This year, I didn't do After Dinner. This is a shame, because I spontaneously thought up of one one night.
The inspiration for this came out of the creative-insanity portion of my brain. The whole thing materialized itself on the spot. Don't you love it when that happens?
Anyway, I didn't write it down until about a week later. It was a day with no school (end of trimester), and since I had gotten twelve hours of sleep the previous night, I felt refreshed (first time in weeks). So, I used the opportunity to write down this and other ideas to upload onto this site.
Is there anything else you wanted to know about that story? E-mail me at cere_8@hotmail.com